Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Happy Holidays

Hey everyone, a late Merry Christmas to each and everyone of you. Hanging out in the crash pad this evening after completing day 4 of 5 of reserve for this span. After the first half of December was fairly slow as far as flying goes for me, the last week and a half have been very very busy. This stretch of days on started on Christmas Eve. For day 1 i proffered and was awarded a day trip with 4 legs that ended at 3:50. This was going to work out great because i was planning on driving up to my hometown where my parents still live to spend Christmas Eve night/Christmas morning with the family. Great plan but as i have found out, every time i make a good plan it gets blown apart, same thing happened this time.

After flying the first turn to Wichita Falls, crew scheduling informed me that they had extended my assignment. I now had to overnight in College Station, fly 6 legs on Christmas day, overnight in Killeen Christmas night, and fly 3 more legs on the 26th. This was a pretty hard pill to swallow. Coming into this job i knew id likely have to work my share of holidays but this one hurt since it was so last minute. However shortly after informing my family of the news they called back and told me they were packing up and were going to come stay the night in College Station with me so that we could still celebrate as a family. My entire family always has been amazing like this. Very blessed to have such a close family that cares so much for one another. We all got to College Station about 6:30 and ended up having a nice fun family Christmas Eve. My mom even brought a christmas tree for the hotel room.

Unfortunately i had a pretty early 7:00AM departure so i had to get up and head out for my 6 leg day Christmas morning. The weather all 3 days of this trip was pretty yucky. Pretty much everywhere we went had IFR conditions. The weather combined with the early start and 6 legs left us exhausted by the time we got to Killeen Christmas night. Our hotel didn't have a van driver and the normal back up taxi service wasn't operating. We ended up having to wait at the airport for about an hour before we could find a ride to the hotel. Once we got there the hunt for food began. I tried calling about every pizza place in town because i was way to tired to walk down to the only open restaurant which was applebee's. All the pizza places were closed. The captain and i (with permission from the hotel staff) ended up just raiding the breakfast kitchen in the hotel. Wasn't much but it got the job done.

Next day we just had 3 legs and were done by around noon. After finishing up i drove up to my hometown and got to spend the afternoon/evening with the family. However i got hosed over again by crew scheduling and ended up getting stuck with the 5:30AM airport standby today. That means i had to leave my house at about 2:30AM to get to the airport in time. After getting to the airport i was able to get a couple hours more of sleep in before i got called about 7:45AM to fly 4 legs. Finished this afternoon at about 4 o'clock. Tomorrow i will finally get to sleep in for the first time in about 4-5 days. All i have is a simple turn at 1PM then hopefully i'll be done. Its my last day on before my days off so i wont get any overnights. During this 5 day stretch i will have flown 5/6/3/4/2 legs. Most definitely enough to wear me clean out.

Well my pizza is here now so im going to go enjoy my dinner then probably hit the hay early. We were supposed to get an update today on the situation with the parking of my plane but no word came. Maybe next time i'll have more info. Adios!

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